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Re: Nobody likes to drink alone...

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 11:10 pm
by SuperV
Oh I know. I know too well the double-edged quality to just about Everything in life. No argument there.

Right now I'm just not looking forward to the busy week I have ahead of me, and I've been so freaked out I've been annoying the * out of people, so I needed something to calm myself down and not worry for an evening. One girly-pansy teaspoon of alcohol drink will do that for me xD

Re: Nobody likes to drink alone...

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 3:25 am
by Baka
sike oh wrote:In the U.S. it really really varies by region. I make a lot for Arkansas but if you plopped me down in Manhattan with the same salary I could barely afford an apartment. Though I think a lot of companies will pay you based on the cost of living in the city, but everything from a gallon a milk to luxury goods just depends where you live. That's supply and demand at work.

The U.S. minimum wage is $7.25/hr but a lot of states and cities have higher ones as well.

Huh, seems I earn more than double the minimum wage in the US....I can live with that

Re: Nobody likes to drink alone...

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 2:33 am
by Saimeks
A local bar serves Long Islands in a mason jar. I drank three one time and walked back with a friend to his apartment stumbling and screaming at a guy and his dog because "they were an affront to everything I stand for."

I usually go to another bar, because I can go in it and smoke, drink Manhattans or Old Fashioneds, and pretend I'm Don Draper.

Re: Nobody likes to drink alone...

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 4:26 pm
by Amanroth
You can smoke in bars there? Lucky...

The best substance served in a mason jar is Jenkem. Try it, you won't be disappointed.

Re: Nobody likes to drink alone...

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 4:53 pm
by Baka
Right now I'm enjoying a tall glass of Guinness with a pack of Dunhill. What I love about Romania is the fact that you can smoke in all bars. When I went to the UK (work related) I thought I landed in smoker *. There was virtually no place where you could smoke inside and the cigarettes are so * expensive. Here a pack of Dunhill Fine Cut is around 3.50 dollars.
How much do cigs cost where you live?

Re: Nobody likes to drink alone...

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 5:00 pm
by Amanroth
A pack of 25 can range from $9 to $15 Canadian. We also aren't allowed to smoke in any commercial buildings, and generally have to be 9 meters away from the entrance of any commercial building. Most companies are happy with 3 meters just so their clients don't get * off or have to stand in the rain, but I think any government building is pretty adamant on nine. I worked construction at a nearby hospital a few weeks ago and they wouldn't even allow us to smoke on the sidewalk. We had to actually stand in the street or across on the opposite sidewalk to smoke.

They don't even let you smoke in prison in Canada anymore, which has prompted inmates to start sneaking in nicotine patches and soaking them in water or rubbing alcohol, then rolling them in papers and smoking them.

Re: Nobody likes to drink alone...

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 5:19 pm
by Baka
Well you can't smoke in government buildings or schools or hospitals here as well, but regarding smoking in pubs,bars or even restaurant it's pretty much relaxed. And absolutely no issues with smoking outside even in front of the aforementioned buildings. What really annoyed me in the UK and in the other countries I visited in Europe was the fact that you couldn't smoke in pubs or cafes at all. Man weirdest thing was when I went to Holland 3-4 years ago and they wouldn't allow smoking the joints they sold in the coffeshop inside. I had to smoke the * thing on the sidewalk. Weird experience, smoking weed so publicly with policemen just walking by.

Re: Nobody likes to drink alone...

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 5:23 pm
by Amanroth
That is weird, because when I went to Amsterdam about 5 or 6 yrs ago, you HAD to smoke the joints in the cafe. I didn't try to smoke outside, but I had heard from someone that the cops were willing to arrest you and take you in just for puffing on a joint in the street, and that you could only enjoy them in your home or in the pot clubs and cafes. They could have changed the rules since then, but it's kinda odd.

In Vancouver you can go inside the pot clubs and roll joints, but you're not supposed to smoke it indoors. People do anyways though, and the cops generally have much more to worry about than a bunch of stoners.

Re: Nobody likes to drink alone...

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 5:35 pm
by sike oh
I don't smoke so I have no idea what cigarettes cost here but I hear my friends always complain about them constantly going up in price.

Our smoking laws vary by city/state. Back in Ohio you couldn't smoke anywhere inside and had to be farther than 25 feet from an entrance (no idea what that is in meters). Here in Arkansas you can smoke in bars but nowhere else indoors.

Re: Nobody likes to drink alone...

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 5:37 pm
by Baka
Well when I went there ,they just recently changed the law to force you to smoke outside....which was pretty annoying seeing as I went there the week after New Year (so it was colder than FFs urethra )
Met some really cool dutch chicks in front of the coffeeshop though. They recommended the cheese :))