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Re: Let's bring back some fond memories

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 10:14 pm
by sike oh
It's been ten years and I some how still feel like the newbie...

I'm excited to hear how everybody's lives have changed or haven't and hopefully re-make some friends that I didn't keep in contact with from the old days.

Re: Let's bring back some fond memories

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 10:24 pm
by Amanroth
lol well most of the message boards that are still around generally have some reason for existing, a central theme. ForumLegacy didn't have to have one when it branched off because the member-base was already large enough for the forum to be self-sustaining. Also you didn't really need a point in those times because social networking sites were balls.

Perhaps we need some sort of theme, or adjoining website with such a concept? If this has any chance of lasting, that's certainly gonna help.

Also I believe for a long time I had more posts than anyone. I'm not gonna lie and say they were all context-friendly and to the point. Still...

Re: Let's bring back some fond memories

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 12:20 am
by Lacopra
I'm gonna regret this but here's my lack luster dA page (cry - ) that I rarely update. Don't worry, Kiriska has thoroughly * at me about this issue and I am trying to remedy this soon...There is A LOT of old stuff in there if you dig around in my galleries and sketchbook. The old stuff being collabs with Idz of course. Then random bits of whatever. I draw whatever you want now and am currently working on a * comic and adult toys to go along with it. Since Legacy I guess I've become a skank...c_c

Re: Let's bring back some fond memories

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 12:02 pm
by FF...
How does one end up in * comics?

At least it's not a boring job. In a few weeks I'm going to do my final internship, and I have to redesign a sort of retirement-planning software... Blegh, I'm getting bored just thinking about it. * 40 hrs a day cooped up in an office.

But it's either that, or pay next years tuition and a €3000 fine... or pay back my €8000 debt... Which they say I can do at €50/m, which isn't that bad, so I'm considering it. I would just feel like I've wasted all those years in school. Even though I don't really want to work in design anymore anyway.

Maybe I should make a pros/cons list on this.

I just wish I knew 10 years ago I would feel this way about the whole thing.

Re: Let's bring back some fond memories

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 9:40 pm
by Amanroth
What if you just did freelance designs for people? There's a huge market for small companies and proprietorships that require fairly simple software solutions that they just can't create on their own. You could do it from home and do what you really want to do as a hobby or a day job? Maybe I'm just underestimating what you are actually learning in school though, so forgive me if that sounds like boring kid stuff to you haha.

Also, I wanted to inquire about that debt. If you're repaying it at only 50 per month, won't the accumulated interest actually outweigh the minimum payments? I could be wrong, maybe interest isn't an issue with your debt but it's just a thought.

And hey man it's so hard to know what you're gonna think in 10 years time. 10 years ago all I wanted to do was program software and build/fix computers. Now unless it's my own personal computer, I don't even want to be near them. I can't even stand it when people ask me computer-related questions because I absolutely loathe trying to explain it to them. I hate programming, I'm more into graphic design now but it's more of a hobby than anything. To be honest I really don't know what I want to do now. I have some ideas, all of which center around music (owning a venue, promoting, management, record label, that type of *).

And how the * does someone end up in * comics? I've only ever seen a couple of those in my life. Admittedly I'm extremely curious :P

Re: Let's bring back some fond memories

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 4:24 am
by FF...
What if you just did freelance designs for people? There's a huge market for small companies and proprietorships that require fairly simple software solutions that they just can't create on their own. You could do it from home and do what you really want to do as a hobby or a day job? Maybe I'm just underestimating what you are actually learning in school though, so forgive me if that sounds like boring kid stuff to you haha.
Nahh, I'm trying to get my own websites off the ground and hopefully someday make some money opff of them.
Also, I wanted to inquire about that debt. If you're repaying it at only 50 per month, won't the accumulated interest actually outweigh the minimum payments? I could be wrong, maybe interest isn't an issue with your debt but it's just a thought.
Yeah, I hadn't thought of that, but you're probably right. I'm not big on economics. It has a 1.5% interest rate. Can you tell me what that means?

Re: Let's bring back some fond memories

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 8:36 pm
by Amanroth
Well i suppose it'd depend on whether it's calculated daily, monthly, or annually. I think my student loan debt interest is done on a daily basis. They give you those cheaper options because it usually means way more money for them in the long run, it seems sweet at the time but it's a ploy.

If you're paying back an 8000 pound debt at 50 per month then the principal would be paid off over 160 months or 13.3 years. If we presume that the interest is tacked on monthly then you're looking at an additional 120 pounds for the first month, and then subsequently lower amounts as you pay off more of the principal (for example the second month would be 1.5% of 7950, or 119.25 pounds if they only charge interest on the principal amount). Essentially at 50 pounds per month with a monthly interest rate, you wouldn't even be paying off half of the interest for that month and you'd never be able to make a dent.

I would suggest making the highest payments you can afford. Sometimes you might find yourself in a tight spot financially, and that's when it helps to have the option of the minimum payment. But the larger the payments made, the less interest they can charge the next time. If you can somehow manage to pay over the amount they charge you in interest (at least 120 pounds IF it's monthly) then you're winning.

Re: Let's bring back some fond memories

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 1:32 am
by Baka
Mr. T wrote:
Kiriska wrote:Hey, hey, I found us a Baka: Someone message him 'cause I don't want to, lol.

Also found a whole bunch of dead deviantART accounts, like CastorTroy and Necrominicon. They haven't been used in years though. Shame.

And hello, flood control is obnoxious.
I sent him a message, I seem to remember him getting all srs and not wanting to spend most of his time with a bunch of nerds. So I tried to word the message as neutrally as possible.

I also sent Necro a message via the last way I was in contact with him, his Soundcloud account. He used to make some pretty good grimey drum and bass and dubstep, and made the best mixtapes of that genre I have ever heard. Here he is:

I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! :D
Once an idiot ,always an idiot!
On a side note it morning here and I feel so lazy to get my * to work.
Post more when I get there(love my job) :)))

Re: Let's bring back some fond memories

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 4:32 am
by Baka
Mr. T wrote:I remember I thought Baka was a girl for the first few months I was here, and had a legitimate crush on hir(?) to the point that I was depressed when s/she didn't fake marry me. I was moar dissapointed when I found out he was a guy, which probably made me question myself more than a little bit. RETROSPECTIVE LOLZ!!

I remember me and Dakkaroth trying to out-psycho each other, which basically resulted in some of the most vile * I've posted/seen on the internet outside of 4chan and *.

Yeah sigs were a big deal and probably resulted in some of us getting into graphic design. The first images I tried to copy by hand were DBZ images, and some of them were pretty good. The last time I remember drawing was being high on acid or some *, and it wasn't quite as good...

I remember staying home from school so I could browse the forums, watch DBGT and generally look at t3h intarwebz

l337 sp33k in general, and how it lead me to hacking/phreaking culture

Hi there handsome! :D
Man so many nights spend on the forums, especially as I live in the *ss of Europe and the time difference was big
Also remember all the spamming with FF and the fact that I made no useful contribution.
Man and I remember how I loved the first forum pic and how I thought a transvestite rainbow clown wasn't really me :))
All the fake marriages and stuff. The contest :)) Me and FF being idiots.
Mr T joining and he believing I was a girl. Idz being like a grumpy admin god. I remember Chibi 18 and Chibi Bliss. Punteuate.... *nus .........ah never could spell his name :))
I remember the pic thread (I was such an attention wh*re) .
I'm really glad the forums are back.

Re: Let's bring back some fond memories

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 4:25 pm
by FF...
Puntuatedus Anus!

I'm sure of it, almost.

Baka *hug* I think I missed you most of all, you sexy Romanian hobo!