Do you do drugs?

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Do you do drugs?

Post by Amanroth »

I'm almost certain that most of the members currently on this forum have smokes pot at some point in their life. But who still does? Who's moved on to harder *, and who went clean and sober? I remember talking to DarkStarSSJ a lot back in the day, and we'd take periodic breaks from chatting in AIM to go smoke joints or something. After a long absence, I saw him one day online, and told him I was smoking a bowl. In much nicer words, he pretty much told me I was dumb and that I shouldn't be doing that anymore :P So I guess people do change. Maybe some of you who never did drugs or drank have started getting into it?

I guess I'll go first. When I was first on these forums way WAY back in the day, I only smoked pot. In fact, I may not have even smoked pot when I first joined. I think I joined at age 12, but I started smoking weed at 13. I vowed never to try any harder drugs. Obviously it wasn't long before weed let to mushrooms. Well after the forums died for the last time, I started doing a LOT of mushrooms. One summer, we probably did them about 3 times a week. It was to the point where they weren't even doing anything other than making me feel like * all the time, so I gave them up for a while. The next summer, however, was my cocaine summer. Same thing, 3, 4 nights (and mornings) per week. It took me to a completely new level of existence. Not in the sense that I tripped balls, but that I was more social, met lots of new people I wouldn't normally involve myself with, and made me spend a lot of money. I stopped cold turkey when I started noticing myself craving it all the time. It was actually pretty easy to quit, but I can understand why some would have issues.

Since then, I have tried speed once, but didn't like it. I tried E in pill form, although most times I have done it the stuff was definitely more speed and meth than mdma, which made me feel really gritty and dirty and gross. I won't touch E pills anymore. I started doing a bit of the powder, and became a connoisseur of sorts. I can tell you about how pure your mdma powder is haha, as I've done everything from bunk to straight-from-the-chem-lab 99.9% pure. I like mdma but i'm not nearly as dumb as I used to be, i don't do it often. once in a while when i'm camping or something is enough for me, and i haven't actually had it in over a year. I of course, love the drink. i'm tempted to try LSD but scared to do so because both my father and aunt suffer from primarily drug-induced schizophrenia. I think that's about it for my experiences, but if i think of anything else i've done i'll be sure to bring it up. Now I know some of you have some stories to tell... T.
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Re: Do you do drugs?

Post by FF... »

I did pot, and got bored of it.

Then cocaine mostly, and pills and sometimes speed. I don't like speed either, but I don't like the "taste" or however you want to call it. I enjoyed the feeling it gave me though.

Of all drugs I tried, i probably like pills best. I always felt rally good when I was at that peak sensation, but it sometimes bugged me how long they would keep me awake when i wanted to sleep.

Cocaine is mostly addicting for people who already have some form of psychological issues. At least that's what I've found to be true. I did a lot of that * back in the day, but never felt the need to get it. Just for * and giggles.

I don't really do anything now anymore, although I can't say that I never will again. It happens every so often that I'm in a position where it's offered to me, and I don't usually turn it down. But I no longer go out and buy it, cause that *'s expensive.

Oh, and I did shrooms about 3 times... and that may be my favorite drug of all. Had a blast with them. It was during Christmas time and all those xmas lights and adornments suddenly looked sooo pretty :p And they don't really give a hangover-ish feeling at all.
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Re: Do you do drugs?

Post by Amanroth »

I remember the first time I did shrooms, I was having somewhat of a panic attack during the come-up, and then I thought I could vomit to make the trip hit a little less hard. After walking outside for some fresh air and watching some giant pine trees sway and dance in front of me, I found myself with my arms clutched around a fencepost, thinking about how safe it was and trying to induce puking. I remember my mouth opening so wide it felt like it turned inside out and my face pushed out through my mouth hole, which is a very discomforting feeling I can assure you. After I finally managed to throw up, I went inside and watched Star Wars Episode 3, the most visually pleasing thing I've ever witness on mush. The walls were rippling above the TV and the curtains were waving with the breeze, but the windows were closed. It was fascinating. :D
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Re: Do you do drugs?

Post by SuperV »

I can honestly say, I've never done any drugs. Not even Weed, not a single Cigarette.
The worst thing I can say I've done was I was taking the recommended daily dosage of Tylenol straight for about 3-4 weeks. But that was because I had an infected cavity that I let go. I * hate dentists.

I feel I should explain, before people start picking up pitch forks and lighting torches. I've always been a fairly clean person, I do the speed limit religiously too. But back to the drug thing. I had a really * home-life as a kid, we weren't poor or anything, I was just often neglected. My father worked long hours and was always in a poor mood when he was home, and my mother was busy either doing volunteering for for this club or that organization... many of which my younger brother, who is 7 years younger than I, was involved in. I was left completely alone several summers, stuck in the house before I could drive. I would have to ask my mother a week in advance to go to WALMART in hopes I could squeeze an hour from her, and a good portion of the time she flaked then too. But it was around late middle school/early high school when I found out she did pot pretty regularly, daily even. In fact, my first memory of my mother is her in her bathroom later realizing she was rolling a joint in front of a 3-4 year old child. Not cool in my mind. But it was also around this time I started noticing she was highly favoring my brother. In fact, she joined the band boosters my senior year, because my brother joined band that year. The woman that I couldn't get her to come hear my play a Solo at contest, is now joining the organization of My college major because my Brother started playing in band. ...Long story short, I've come to resent her, and most drugs. I don't judge or look down on people who have tried them or do in moderation, but it's a VERY sour topic for me. Be it justified or not.

Now! I owe everyone here some Grade AAA Swiss-made Cheese, for putting up with my whine 8-)
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Re: Do you do drugs?

Post by Mr. T »

I dunno if this thread is permitted if we can't has neekid pics... I guess as long as we don't talk about doing anything obviously illegal it will be fine.

In the past few years I fried my brain on almost a dozen hallucinogens, from mushrooms and LSD to basically unknown chemicals. I also smoked pot on an almost daily basis for years, stopping only recently. I've flirted with mild codeine addiction, while occasionally taking morphine and/or oxycodone. Withdrawals after only a week of daily small doses scared me off though. Looking back I used to take a fair amount of oxy and codeine in high school, which is also when I started smoking pot... I haven't taken any opioids in about a year and a half, and probably won't unless I'm in some serious pain I can't control otherwise.

Lately I've unplugged from smoking pot regularly, and it's been a real load off my mind. I was dumb to take so many hallucinogens and smoke weed, like FF said things like that tend to aggravate any mental issues you have and it did for me. Right now I won't really even get drunk or take anything stronger than caffeine pills if I want to get * done. It got to the point where I couldn't even relate to the other people I knew who did acid and stuff because I was tripping on * with letters and numbers in the chemical name, and would just sit around smoking weed all anti-social. I also had a serious taste for special K, and DXM the ingredient in cough syrup. Those can take you so far out of it you don't even feel like you have a body. Nowadays if I want to detach from reality I just meditate. Usually life is * up enough that you don't need to add to it.

I do regret some of my usage, especially in a depressive mood like I am in now, but it made me who I am. In some ways ABUSING drugs can be like hitting yourself with a hammer, you do it because it feels good when you stop. But there's also an upside, which is why I feel like some rehab and addiction treatment regimens won't work-because they focus on trying to make you see drugs as bad when people are resistant to this idea. Everything is just a choice and needs to come from within. The substance is just a tool, and you can't really fault it for having the property of changing your brain chemistry.
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Re: Do you do drugs?

Post by EnigmaticManiac »

I was a super, straight-laced kid for all of elem/middle school, and for most of high school. I started drinking at 19 because I disagreed with America's 21 age limit, but really only at parties. I started smoking pot in college because a.)that is what college is for and b.)the girl I was head-over-heels for did it. First night I get baked with her and this kid named Rob (who turns out to be one of my best friends from like 4th grade) in his car. The girl and I go back to my apartment and start watching Donnie Darko, because I was curious if it was going to be better. We start watching the movie, but slowly turns to making out, until my RA storms in since he lives in one of the rooms. Learned what the term "buzzkill" actually felt like >.>

Since then, I slowly started doing pot more, til I eventually was doing it almost nightly if I had some. Pretty much been that way for a while, with short breaks every now and then when my tolerance exceeds my wallet :P I have done shrooms 3 times and that is a favorite. First time was a sort of toes-in-the-water experiment that I enjoyed. 2nd time was my bad trip. I learned a lot from it, but it was a very scary experience at the time (It all went downhill when my friend asked me if I existed). 3rd time was just fun, especially watching my friend trip for the first time.

Other than that, I have avoided the other non-natural drugs as much as possible. If it's good enough for Mother Nature, it's good enough for me.
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Re: Do you do drugs?

Post by lilishly »

Firstly, I sincerely hope everyone who mentioned having a problem is doing OK now. And if not, that at least y'all feel you can talk to someone. Addiction is a *, but you shouldn't have to suffer in silence.


I do very occasional MDMA. Makes me all happy. Mostly, I just drink socially (and unsocially, with a good film or dinner). I love red wine, whiskey and vodka. I'm a massive booze snob, but I'm also fairly generous with it too. I'm known to bring a ten year single-malt to a party.
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Re: Do you do drugs?

Post by Link »


We should go drinking sometime.
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Re: Do you do drugs?

Post by Darkstar »

I hope i wasnt a * about it Ammy :p I started working bars and nightclubs after i left school as a barman and a bouncer and it really coloured my opinion towards drugs. I saw alot of peoples lives in tatters because of it and wasters i went to school with who only sat around all day smoking pot. I have no problem with pot really i smoke a joint from time to time to help me relax but never as a regular thing.

I dont drink much nowadays for pretty much the same reasons i dont do drugs. I do enjoy the odd glass of scotch though.
As an aside to all that last year i had kidney stones and was prescribed Tramadol (an opiod) and i became heavily addicted to them through the relief they gave me. Luckily i got to the point (after an accidental overdose) that i stopped taking them.
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Re: Do you do drugs?

Post by Amanroth »

Haha words can never describe how * I felt...

Kidding. I used to smoke a lot of pot. Up until only a few months ago I couldn't function without smoking weed every hour or so. Now I pretty much only smoke at work and parties, and even then I try not to mix it with alcohol. I only drink one night a week, and usually I take it pretty easy anyways. I did MDMA on New Year's and got torqued, but it's been a while since I've done it.

I knew a guy who was addicted to Oxycodone he started taking for pain. Bad scene. Some of that * is horrible, just give me the pharmaceutical heroin that our great grandpappies used to use.
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