We need a theme.

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Re: We need a theme.

Post by sike oh »

I used the Kindle App on my android - I've only read a few books on it but I like it just because its much lighter to hold than some books. It does tend to hurt my eyes after awhile though.

The down side having it when you traveling is having to turn it off during take off and landing.
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Re: We need a theme.

Post by Amanroth »

they really ought to stop trying to instate that rule. the cell phones run on a completely different frequency than anything on a plans that might use RF. I think they do it solely to be fascist, or to keep those tweeked passengers calm... You know, the ones who get freaked out if you say "bomb".

I was on a plane when I was a kid, and I asked the attendant what would happen if a bird flew into the engine. I got some terrified looks from passengers, and then instead of truthfully answering my question with something such as "The bird will be mulched and the plane will keep going", he said "We try not to think about that"... Why are people so afraid of things happening on a plane? Personally, I'd rather drop 15,000 feet in a steel tank with a couple hundred cushiony bodies than slam head-on into a semi in my little matchbox car made of aluminum on a busy freeway.
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Re: We need a theme.

Post by sike oh »

A bunch of geese put a plane in the Hudson River a few years ago actually.

I have a theory that they made that rule so we would have to listen to their safety announcement and not annoy other people by being on the phone
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Re: We need a theme.

Post by Baka »

Sike is right, they do that so that everybody is paying attention to the safety announcements and nowadays at least here in Europe the just make you turn them off during takeoff and landing, and actually they don't tell you to shut them off,just put them in airplane mode.
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Re: We need a theme.

Post by Nick »

SuperV wrote:Back to a MILDLY relevant topic.

I've been part of the 'Nostalgia Forum', and typically after a few months, if that's still the basis for the forum, it slowly fades out. People remember they have a job/life, they don't enjoy Anime as much as they use to, etc.

What to do then is a paradox, no one has time to add content to a site, people's interests are WAY more diverse, and the forum doesn't instantly and continuously thrive like the Creator had hoped because people are lost and never return.

My suggestion? Find a way to combine people's interests and actively involve them. If we still did graphics we could do a mural or competitive games of sorts. Create a Video Game (RPGs aren't terribly difficult to make, just difficult to do well), some kind of Webshow (Machinima, acting, etc), Podcasts... you name it.
All of this easily possible. Dunno if alpha is down, but we've pretty much done this already with rpgmaker games. I'll have some time to save up a few paychecks to throw down on a new computer rig and we can get rolling on some of this
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Re: We need a theme.

Post by Alpha »

You better get that rig soon.
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Re: We need a theme.

Post by FF... »

Because implosion is nigh...

But then again... Didn't they always come back?
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Re: We need a theme.

Post by Alpha »

Eh? who are you talking about?
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Re: We need a theme.

Post by FF... »

You know how every time somebody "left" that they would always come back.

Whenever somebody would make a great exit, it became a bit of a cliche that someone said something to the extent of "He'll be back. They always come back."
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Re: We need a theme.

Post by Alpha »

Hmmmm, who were some of the big ones that left?
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