Ah Sweet Nostalgia

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Re: Ah Sweet Nostalgia

Post by Kiriska »

I'm done with school (FOREVER). Freelance webcrap pays the bills. Drawlin' stupid pictures staves off boredom.

Tumblr, Twitter, and everything else make sense after you figure it out. P:
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Re: Ah Sweet Nostalgia

Post by Hakutz »

Kiri, you and copra went to the same school? small freaking world.

How's everyone doing? and I hope i'm not the only one feeling super old being back here after all these years
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Re: Ah Sweet Nostalgia

Post by Kiriska »

Dude, Copra and I were roommates for two years. Was pretty awesome.
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Re: Ah Sweet Nostalgia

Post by Amanroth »

well I get the social networking sites, I just find them annoying. I use facebook mostly because I can write long messages and it seems like it has easier access to public events. I use twitter and g+ for business stuff.

Hak, you're not alone. If I recall correctly you're a bit older than I am, and I'm pretty sure you were on legacy a while longer than I was though. I can't remember when it shut down for sure but I was 12 when I started, probably 17 or 18 when it ended. 24 now and it seems like forever ago.
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Re: Ah Sweet Nostalgia

Post by Hakutz »

wow didnt know that one, but that's cool. would've been more interesting if legacy was still around during those years, kiri.

and yeah Abom... 26 now and it's like holy crap this was like so long ago. When times were so much simpler and my parents paid for everything. I miss those days
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Re: Ah Sweet Nostalgia

Post by Kiriska »

My online presence is a terrible, disorganized mishmash of personal, web-business, and art/convention-business. But I like Twitter and Tumblr. They both serve their purposes. Facebook as well.

Where the * is Idz? He can play the 'I'm an old *' card for sure.
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Re: Ah Sweet Nostalgia

Post by Hakutz »

Yeah Idz could one-up all of us in the old age department.
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Re: Ah Sweet Nostalgia

Post by kaniaei »

Oh man the EGO squad haha!!!

I shot Orange a message but he's hard to get in touch with these days. We shockingly still have limited contact after all these years! Can't say I'm surprized legacy is back, awesome to see you guys again!!
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Re: Ah Sweet Nostalgia

Post by Amanroth »

* I wish I could get hold of Orange. I had him on facebook for a while, actually. He only lives an hour and a half away from me. Sadly I can't remember his actual name heh.

I seem to recall many awesome FF stories. One involved him being bitten by a radioactive hobo on a bus. Another involved a dirty 2-guys-1-girl threesome with some pregnant skank at a party.
Knowledge once held power, now it remains in the pleasantries of sight. Brains or beauty? What's more important than the envy of another? We starve our only strengths to feed our weaknesses. Mental anorexia.
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Re: Ah Sweet Nostalgia

Post by kaniaei »

Orange lives and hour and a half from you? Where you at boy? Did you move over to our province? His name starts with an "M" but I'll leave the rest to you to figure out. I'd hope you remember me :P haha We talked for a long while after legacy.. I saw Orange about 6 weeks ago for coffee.

I swear you were on my facebook for a while..but now it appears just FF is...

I think my fave FF story has to be the conversation with the random mexican boy!!
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