Nobody likes to drink alone...

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Nobody likes to drink alone...

Post by Hakutz »

So for those who don't know, I work 3rd shift. It blows, but hey it's a job right? Well my body apparently is hating me today and refuses to let me sleep, so to battle this bout of insomnia I'm turning to alcohol.

So amuse me(us), with your favorite drink, or tales of your best nights out, or any good stories you have accumlated over the years away from Legacy
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Re: Nobody likes to drink alone...

Post by Kiriska »

I am a hermit and don't go out. I am not very creative with booze and like stupid girly fruity drinks. And Long Island ice tea. The only time I was ever properly drunk was when Lacopra and I downed an entire bottle of coconut rum between the two of us in like an hour. And also had 2-3 shots of vodka each.
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Re: Nobody likes to drink alone...

Post by Hakutz »

I don't know why but maybe it's my mental image of you from way back in the day, but you never seemed like someone who would drink girly drinks. Consider that image shattered completely, though the hermit thing fits.

One of my favorite drinking stories involves me showing up at an all liquor party hosted by the fraternity I later ended up joining. My freshman roommate left for the party a couple of hours before I did. Needless to say I had been at the party for like an hour when I was walking around the hallway and someone was screaming does anyone know this kid. I look it and am immediately like "oh * that's my roommate." So I was like I'll take him back to the dorms. I essentially carried him across campus to the freshman dorms and right as we get there some nursing major comes and takes a look at him rather than helping me carry him. Does like some half-assed examination and determines he's going to die from alcohol poisoning. So she calls the EMT's and campus security. The party gets busted the fraternity gets put on double secret probation and some members get kicked out and my roommate gets sent to the hospital. I give up on the night and am about to go to bed when I get a call on the crappy dorm room phone (not my cell phone) and it's the hospital stating that I need to come pickup my roommate or he'll be arrested. I ask why and the nurse tells me "He took his IV out of his hand and tried to stab me with the needle". I drive 30 minutes to the hospital (the school I went to was in the middle of nowhere). Pick him up and apologize to the nurses, the sheriff who "monitoring the situation", and all involved. My roommate grabs anything he can from the hospital (blanket/sheets/etc). We hop into the car drive home. I get back to the dorms only to realize I left my ID required to get into the building in my room in the middle of winter. So I am beating on the doors and knocking on the windows and find some girl who I have to assume is doing a walk of shame as she was in tears leaving from the boys side of the dorm at 7 in the morning. So she lets us in, I tell her about my night and we end up getting breakfast together.
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Re: Nobody likes to drink alone...

Post by Kiriska »

I just don't like things that don't properly mask the rubbing alcohol flavor. So fruity * is great. And Baileys. Booze that tastes like coffee? * yes.

That is quite a story. (Did you marry the girl? Because that would be hilarious.) The only time I drank my freshman year of college was the day after finals were over. It was a "closet artist" party. We drank, drew, and watched Doctor Who, like proper nerds.
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Re: Nobody likes to drink alone...

Post by Hakutz »

Well whatever it takes to get you good and properly drunk Kiri. And I hate the taste of coffee. I can drink more or less any kind of beer, wine or liquor, as long as it's not whiskey. Though I'm a fan of gin and tonics with with a twist of lime if drinking liquor. Fruity stuff seems like I get more of a sugar high than an alcohol buzz. Curse those sorostitutes who thinking "Ice-ing" someone is funny.

No I did not marry the girl. We did end up dating for most of the rest of that school year. But she transferred schools after freshman year and I knew about that and we both kind of were not really wanting do the whole distance thing and decided we'd stay friends and just end it before things got supeus. But yeah itwas always so much fun to tell that story to the parents minus the walk of shame portion for obvious reasons.

Though I'm trying to think I don't have many good after finals drinking stories. There was a kid who we called "DB" which stood for douche bag and we all went out drinking and he passed out first and we shamed him before his parents came to get him in the morning.... Idk I was kind of an * when I was a freshman though there are those who will claim I still am. LOL
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Re: Nobody likes to drink alone...

Post by FF... »

How does one Ice somebody?

As for drunken stories... I have a lot of those...

My most recent one was at the christmas party for my job. I work at a beach club at the moment, but the owners have a bunch of restaurant and hotels in the vicinity, and employees from every company were invited. That was probably the best christmas party I ever been to. It was supposed to last from 6 to 10, but ended up lasting til midnight. People were dancing on tables, bars and what have you, everybody socializing and havin' a good time.

Anyway, was having a lot of fun, and at some point got pretty wasted, and memories got blurry. I vividly remember being molested by an indonesian woman near the end though. She was like "Hi," put her hand on my crotch "wanna go to my place?"
Now, me and my colleagues already had plans to go clubbing after the party, and I had already been inviting people I talked with from other companies... so that's what I told here.
Then she took her hand of my crotch and down my * pants, and started * it... "You sure?"
And I didn't think I even reacted to the whole hand down my pants, like it was the most normal thing in the world and said "yeah, you should come though." Took a step back and walked off. I guess it only struck me afterwards that it was kind of a weird exchange.

So anyway, then we went to a club. Got more drunk. And that's when my memory basically stops. I vaguely remember getting some food with my colleagues afterwards, but that was around 3am.

Memory starts again about 4hrs later at a bus stop, and I'm not sure if I woke up there, or that's just where my memory begins. I had no idea how I got there. I just know I didn't take any public transportation or cab, so I either walked there, or hitch-hiked or something. It was miles from where we were, and it wasn't even in the direction of my home. So not only did I not know how I got there, I didn't even know why I went there.

Buses weren't coming for a while though, and it was around 7am at that moment. So I tried calling a cab, but they couldn't come right away and I didn't want to wait. Called some other people, but they were probably asleep. Eventually, I just rang up daddy dearest. What I didn't know was that he was just about to bring mom to work, so when he picked me up, she was in the car as well. So we had to bring her to work first, and I wanted to sleep, but she kept *... And I remember that I was trying to respond, but if I have to believe her story, I was no longer able to form words, and pretty much sounded like this: "uuurhhhurhhh.. hurrhhh" which, despite what you may think, are not actual dutch words.

I was so glad when I finally got home. Crashed on my bed, and didn't wake up til late in the evening.

Anyway, I'm a pretty forgetful drunk. My memory always gets pretty fuzzy, but usually there are some bits and pieces of the evening I can sort of put together. Flashes of memories, so to speak... But I never had a 4hr blackout before.
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Re: Nobody likes to drink alone...

Post by sike oh »

So I've got plenty of stories, however, there is only one night that I really truly black out and in the most random city.

My friends and I went to Branson, MO for the weekend, and if you don't know anything about Bransom, its basically a huge family tourist city.

We managed to find the only bar in town and I don't remember a thing. I woke up the next morning and had texted every single guy in my phone and talked to at least 3 of them (including Hakutz) for like 45 minutes. I'm pretty sure I tried to talk in code to Hak about about DMZ and legacy. I just yelled and fought with anybody who tried to take my phone. There were also pictures of my friends and all all in a boat outside the Bass Pro Shop and I think somebody's mom came to pick us up.

I also died of a hangover on a mini-golf course the next day.
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Re: Nobody likes to drink alone...

Post by Amanroth »

I have a sort-of Hangover-ish story (the movie, not the feeling)

My friends and I went to this music students party near the college at this guy's place. I barely knew the guy, but I knew a few people that were going pretty well. My roommate and I got there and started drinking obnoxiously. My roommate knew more people than I did, so he was off gallivanting around the house talking to his friends while I slowly worked my way through meeting some new people. There was this arrogant * there that I haven't seen in a very long time, and I caught up with him a bit. However, he's an *, and some claim he's also a date-rapist.

Whatever, no big deal to me because I'm fairly certain he likes women. I don't like the guy or condone his behaviour, but in an unfamiliar party setting I wasn't about to talk * to him. I was friendly and then left him to go speak with other people.

Towards the end of the evening, my roommate was loser *. Now if you knew the guy, you'd probably say that he always gets hammered to the point where he can't stand for himself. He does this regularly, and it's never been a cause for concern in the past. We were just about ready to walk the 6 or 8 blocks back to our place, when foolishly he "lost his footing" and slammed face first into the pavement. He got back up and wobbled a bit more, and no harm was done. However, the * I mentioned before * near punched him out (for what reason I couldn't tell you). He told me that I could stay but my buddy had to leave. I started walking back home with Rory (the big lug himself), and about a block away from the party he confessed that he couldn't walk by himself anymore.

I decided to try and help him walk, letting him use my shoulder for support. This guy is big, and easily has about 40 pounds and at least 2 inches height on me. I was also fairly tipsy, so this was not the best situation to be in. I figured it wasn't far though and we could make it back.

Here's where I blacked out. I somewhat recall being on a street I've never been on before, despite the walk back home being more or less a straight line.

I woke up from a very non-existent dream, my eyes darting open after a long pass-out session in my bed. I remember yelling "WHAT THE *!" for no apparent reason. I jumped out of bed (again for no apparent reason), and went to Rory's room to see if he was still alive. He wasn't there. I went to run down the stairs and fell head first all the way down to the 90 degree bend in my staircase. I screamed "WHAT THE *!" again and got back up. I searched the entire house top to bottom but there was no sign of my roommate. Gave him a few calls only to find that his phone was off or dead.

I started calling the friends that I knew had been at this party, but nobody was answering. I guess this could be because it was 10 AM after a long party. I started worrying, thinking that I had got tired of carrying him and left him in an alley to rot. I trudged all the way back to the house that the party was in only to find that all my roommate had left was his coat and guitar. We had a brief morning-after beer and talked about all the strange place Rory had passed out. The guy even brought out a phone with a picture of my roommate passed out on the kitchen floor on his back, arms folded and his feet somehow up on the counter. This looked like the most uncomfortable position you could possibly be in, even while awake.

After about 4 more hours of worrying, I started piecing together that I had been in another house aside from the party. I remembered a lot of stairs and a basement. I kept calling my roommate and friends but no answer. Eventually my roommate came home and it turned out we stopped at another friend's place on the way home. I had never actually been there until that night so I couldn't put together where we had gone. My roommate decided the 2 blocks back to our house was too far and passed out there. Not only did he puke, he was pretty certain he * himself. I was actually very relieved to find him alive and kicking.

I have others but this is my favorite.
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Re: Nobody likes to drink alone...

Post by EnigmaticManiac »

FF: To Ice someone you require:
1 Smirnoff Ice

There are a few forms of how to Ice someone. One way is to get them to open something and discover it there. My friends do it as someone enters a door, you kneel down and present a Smirnoff Ice to them. You can Ice Block if you have a Smirnoff Ice in your pocket; It then gets redirected at them. If you get iced, you have to kneel down on one knee and drink it all. If you get iced blocked, you have to drink both. It is a popular frat/sorority game. It's very chill, bro.

My drunken lullaby:
My friend's 21st birthday party and he has letters. I get invited to this where they are mixing everclear, koolaid, probably some other filler and fruit. So you drink the liquior OR eat the fruit and you are toast. This also happened to be the first night I was introduced to Mr. Daniels. Memorable for multiple reasons.
Anywho, my best friend's thrice ex-girlfriend was there with all her sorority sisters getting shmamered. (Quick digression: This was the nerd sorority, so all of the girls we not the atypical sorority. SO they were/are pretty cool.) She, we'll call her Erilyn, had pregamed at the house before coming here to the party. So she was quite done for most of the party. We took turns looking after her, jic she needed something. While I was watching her, we are both drunk and got to close and kissed. We sorta have this drunk moment of clarity and realize that was not a smart idea. :/ So I have someone else look after her and proceed to go drink more (yay college :3)
I end up standing over by a hallway trying to cool down when a girl walks up to me and says "Hey!" or something, I am quite hazy on what happened, I just remember looking her down and up and thinking that kissing her was a good idea. I lean in, she backs up, and slowly walks away. I take that as my queue to leave. As I am leaving I see the girl again, she sees me and turns around and walks away, I apologize so she can hear me, and I stumble upstairs. A sober brother asked what I was doing, not allowed to be up there, yada yada. I tell him my ride is on the other side of the door. He opens it to my best friend standing there, looking impatient. We leave, I tell him that I drunkenly kissed his ex. He shrugged his shoulders and said, "Meh. She kisses well." I agree. /lullaby
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Re: Nobody likes to drink alone...

Post by Hakutz »

Yeah, EM pretty much nailed what ice-ing someone is. It's silly and dumb but still fun if you do it to the right person/people.

And Sike Oh, I don't feel nearly as special now as I did before you went through your phone calling and texting everyone in your phone. Here I thought it was just me =(... Still fun times to answer to the phone to "Maaaaaaaaaaaaark, I have no idea where I am"
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